
Todayā€™s Youth Counterculture (and COUNTER Counter Culture)

As GenXer’s, we decided that we as parents were going to be different from our conservative, authoritarian, controlling parents. 

We decided where our parents would be narrow-minded we would be open, where they ignored us we would be supportive, and where they marginalized our feelings of isolation and angst we would be considerate and understanding. 

What we (I) failed to...

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Female Narcissists


You can never really trust what she says because it’s all a lie. She may come across as very charming and loving, but this is just a façade. 

Female narcissists are experts at manipulating people and they will use their charms to get what they want.


She will make you feel like you are the one who is crazy and that she is the victim. If you...

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As we’ve begun our Feminine Wounding course I’ve been speaking with my partner Jenn about my experiences with my clients and also with the women I dated before I met her. 

What I’ve realized is how much pain and rejection it creates for men who are in awe of the Feminine and try to express that in our (typically) clumsy fashion when you can’t see or accept...
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Are Men Intimidated by Strong Women?

Are you a fiercely strong and proud woman who believes you’re single because men are threatened by women with a certain kind of energy?

I think we’ve met - I believe we dated for a few months?

It didn’t work out - not because you’re not lovable, not because you’re not desirable and not because you were too capable and strong; I respected and admired those qualities...

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How Soon Should You Know If He's the One?

If you are a feminine entity you’re going to be attracted to masculine qualities. The more feminine you are the stronger this pull will be and the less you should trust the attraction. (Same is true for healers and men with “potential”).

On the other end of the spectrum are men who feel like decent people, but who you don’t feel a sexual spark with. The feeling may be...

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Choose A Man Who Embraces Every Part of You

When I was getting to know Graham I spilled my secret early on - I let him know that I’m highly emotional, sometimes irrational and occasionally get triggered to the degree I can’t handle my emotions.

He told me that he’d never met a woman who never felt overwhelmed by her emotions, but that I was the first one to bring it up before he saw them.

That’s part of what set him...

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You Have The Power In Relationships

You underestimate the power of feminine energy when your goal is absolute control so you can never be hurt rather than creating a space of safety and love that growth can occur in. 

This is not just in partnered relationships, it begins being modeled for almost all of us as children from our parents. The reason we handle relationships badly is because we were raised in an atmosphere of...

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How To Influence, Educate and Enlighten Men

Do you have a partner, romantic interest or male friend who you know has so much more potential for contribution, connection, and happiness, but no matter how many conversations you've had over the years, how many courses, books or articles you've recommended or even the number of hours you've spent in counseling he's still stuck?

It's frustrating to the point of maddening for the woman.


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Second Chances

If I could go back in time I would love my kids harder, cherish more of life's special moments and give the world the magical parts of me I was afraid to show because I didn't want to be rejected or hurt.

If I could go back in time I'd have the courage to leave my ex sooner. I stayed because I thought I was giving my kids what they needed. I didn't want my kids to be from a broken home, even the...

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Is This What You Call 'Love'

It feels so good to soothe and be soothed. I describe this to my children as two individuals with holes in their hearts who push their hearts together to stop the bleeding rather than fixing the two holes. And what happens when the soothing one wounded heart provides is distracted by another issue in life? The heart they've been soothing feels abandoned. 

I see these memes a lot, poetic...

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