FOR MEN -> Click here
Women CLICK below.
Question 1 of 26
How long have you followed us? (select one)
Less than 3 Months
Less than 2 Years
Over 2 Years!
Question 2 of 26
Where do you see us most often?
My email
Question 3 of 26
I am closest to
Question 4 of 26
Are you currently in a long-term committed relationship?
Yes, I'm in a relationship with a man who has shown to me and others that I'm the woman he sees as his committed life partner.
I'm in an exclusive relationship, but it's not at the "Forever" stage.
I'm dating or can make connections with men, but nothing exclusive right now.
I've never had or it's been years since I've experienced a relationship with a man that feels safe and trustworthy.
Question 5 of 26
Personal Responsibilities
I am the lone support of a child or aging parent, or a single parent of a child with high physical or emotional needs.
Stress around work - very draining, not enough of it, not secure enough or you don't enjoy it.
I have children who are with me or who I'm regularly supporting emotionally or financially with support and involvement of their other parent.
No dependents, no stress from work, finances are good, just responsible for me.
Major stress financially - bankruptcy fears, having to downsize home or vehicle, major guilt around not affording children's activities, creditors calling, etc.
Question 6 of 26
The past couple years have felt most
Question 7 of 26
When it comes to Self-Love and Self-Care
It doesn't feel like there's any room left at the end of the day for me
Even if it’s simple, small or free I make it a priority.
I do things like treat myself to coffee, dinner, flowers, beauty treatments, fitness memberships, driving to see friends
Quality of life is a priority for me. Destination vacations, a full day at the spa, housekeeper, professional pet care, shopping trips - things that make it a life I love.
Question 8 of 26
What has been the most intensive level of personal development in the past 2 years?
Social Media, books or other types of self-study
Formal therapy with a licensed practitioner
Coaching, online courses, online workshops
Intensives, retreats, travel to workshops/events
Question 9 of 26
Who has the qualities in a relationship you're looking for?
I want to believe it exists, but haven't seen it in anyone I know.
There has been at least one couple I've known who have what I'm looking for.
The way you two show up looks pretty good to me!
I've had it before and I want it again
Question 10 of 26
How long since you've lived together with an intimate partner? (Paid taxes from the same address)
I have an exclusive partner who I've been seeing or living with for more than 9 months.
4-7 years
0-4 years
Question 11 of 26
Longest you've lived together with a romantic partner
I've always had my own place or never lived with a romantic partner.
Less than 3 years
3-10 years
10+ years
Question 12 of 26
Any critical requirements of the man you'll partner with?
I'm frustrated with the toxic behavior of men. They need to step up and do their work. I won't put up with it anymore.
Turns heads in any room he's in
Member of and conscientiously practicing my specific faith or a specific cultural heritage
Shares equally strong views on any of these: Treatment of animals, personal or religious adherence to foods we don't eat, social, spiritual or political activism
Has a comfortable established upper middle class lifestyle (six figures plus) he's lived for the past 5 or more years, unaffected by current alimony or child support
One or more of these is important, but not a deal breaker if they can appreciate my connection to it
Question 13 of 26
Online Dating
No thanks
Maybe if someone took care of the parts I don't enjoy
I'd be open to it
I'm doing it or I did it when I was single.
Question 14 of 26
After the first time you've been intimate he invites you to shower together.
Not ready to be this vulnerable yet.
I'm not loving my body right now, but maybe if he can convince me he does.
Only if the drinks are still in my system
A little nervous, a little excited but I'm doing this!
Question 15 of 26
When it comes to sex
I have a very specific plan I stick to before I have sex that keeps me safe (30 days, 10 dates, I've met their mother, etc.)
There are some things most men may be interested in that I'm not.
I'm pretty open to anything if I feel safe and connected to my partner.
There is sexual trauma in my past that can cause an instant trigger or disassociation
Question 16 of 26
How would you describe your personal style
I've struggled to figure out what works for me
Practical, something that doesn't take too much work
I really enjoy fashion, shopping for clothes and putting together a current look
I'm the one everyone comes to for fashion advice
Question 17 of 26
When it comes to social situations
I really need to know someone well to not feel anxious or awkward
I'm ok if I'm out at a public event as long as I can find a common interest
I'm comfortable with others and good at making others feel comfortable
When people meet me they instantly like me and want to get together again
Question 18 of 26
What's your personality type?
I love connecting with masculine energy and a connection with a man who wants to protect and provide - taking care of what's dangerous, dirty or disgusting and I look after creating a homey space for us to spend time together.
I'm a thinker, more focused on practical things. Never been that interested in traditional roles, spending time connecting to social circles with groups of other women.
I have a desire to be with a man, but until someone proves they're safer than what I've experienced in the past I'll take my time and keep a bit of distance until I know they're safe.
I'm a free spirit who loves new experiences. I don't cook, so my guy will either be the one who loves that or we'll go out or order in. I'm not into traditional roles, so things in the home have to be at least 50/50.
Question 19 of 26
How are you with managing time and being on time?
Still working on this one.
I'm a few minutes before, a few minutes after or on the dot.
I've made timeliness a priority and I find it frustrating when other people's choices end up putting me behind schedule.
If I were ever late people would be concerned that something dramatic had occurred, because it just never happens.
Question 20 of 26
How are you doing with being organized these days?
I have a "Horizontal Organizing System" where things are spread across surfaces in my vehicle, on my desk and around my home.
I've worked on being organized to the point where I'm not constantly looking for things or having to purchase multiples because I can't find what I need when in a rush.
With 30 minutes notice I'd be comfortable with anyone in my home, car or office.
I take great care and pride in a tidy vehicle and home. Everything has a place that I put it in before moving from one area or activity to another.
Question 21 of 26
The way others have made me feel about my appearance would best be described as
I've had to work to develop a positive self image because of insensitive comments people have made
I've had insecurities like most, but overall I've felt accepted and like who I am
I attract attention and if I'm with a group I often attract the most attention in the group.
Strangers often make comments like, "You're gorgeous, you should model/must be an athlete/fitness instructor"
Question 22 of 26
What do you want most from a relationship?
Both partners understand that nobody is perfect and are willing to compromise and forgive
We openly share our thoughts and feelings, but take on our responsibilities and personal growth independent of each other
Someone who loves me unconditionally and understands I'm still healing from being hurt in the past
Question 23 of 26
Is there anything that you'd like a solutions for ASAP?
I want to have a baby very soon, but my relationship status makes that difficult
I have unresolved trauma that is preventing me from having healthy relationships
Relationship Drama - Can't figure out how to leave, Can't get him out of my head, or It's not going in the right direction
I'm feeling highly overwhelmed, confused or frustrated with understanding men, modern dating and relationship rules.
None of these apply to me
Question 24 of 26
How are things feeling financially for you right now?
It's stressful to think about.
What's coming in is pretty close to what's going out.
I take care of the necessities, savings and have room left over.
I'm comfortable enough that a partner making six figures or more wouldn't affect my lifestyle
Question 25 of 26
My social media presence
I only have personal pages and they are basically private.
I only have personal pages and some of my posts are visible to people who don't follow me.
I don't have a business, but I'd be interested in knowing how to share your material with people I know
I have an audience and I'd be interested in knowing how to share your material with them.
Question 26 of 26
Your Name On Facebook/Instagram so we have a little more context around your answers?